organization background
The Student Bar Association
Background: The Student Bar Association (SBA) is the student government body at the University of Virginia School of Law. The University of Virginia prides itself on student self-governance and the SBA plays an active role in working diligently throughout the year to ensure quality programming throughout the school year, voicing student concerns to the school’s faculty and administration, and promoting a great sense of community throughout the law school.
Membership: All J.D., LL.M., and S.J.D. candidates are members of the SBA. Officers of the SBA include Senators, and Executive Board, and Ex Officio members. The Senators represent all three classes – 3L, 2L, and 1L – as well as transfer and graduate students. The Executive Board is comprised of four elected executive positions – President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. As representatives of the School of Law to other bodies, one ABA Representative, two Honor Committee Representatives, two University Judiciary Committee Representatives, and two Student Council Representatives also serve as SBA Officers.
Meetings: The SBA welcomes participation from all Virginia Law students. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in Brown 105 and are open to everyone. Please feel free to contact any Executive Board member or any Senator with any comments and concerns you wish to raise.
Join Us!
Interested in joining SBA as more than a general member? Please fill out the below form and the Executive Board will keep you appraised of upcoming opportunities to get involved.